2825 Fish Hatchery Road, Allentown, PA 18103
Email: info@museumofindianculture.org
Phone: 610-797-2121
Friday through Sunday from 10 am - 4 pm
Closed Major Holidays
Featured Exhibit: Native American Beadwork
Partnership with
Delaware Nation

The Museum of Indian Culture maintains an ongoing partnership with Delaware Nation of Anadarko Oklahoma, which is a federally recognized Lenape tribal nation. This partnership enables collaboration between Delaware Nation and the Museum of Indian Culture to increase educational and cultural resources and opportunities in the region supporting both their mission's to foster public awareness of Lenape history and culture.
Katelyn Lucas works as Delaware Nation's Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) and is stationed in Pennsylvania to allow them to more efficiently respond to historic preservation concerns and other education or consultation inquiries in their homeland region. She also serves as a liaison between Delaware Nation and the museum. Local relevant inquiries can be directed to Delaware Nation’s attention through Katelyn Lucas during regular business hours.
About Historic Preservation
It is the mission of Delaware Nation’s Historic Preservation Office to protect, preserve, and perpetuate their story so future generations may continue to pass on the rich history and culture of the Delaware people. Through Section 106 reviews, consultation, and monitoring, they can protect their lands of tribal interest from physical destruction and or damage, as well as sacred sites such as cemeteries and ceremonial locations, and the flora and fauna of historic importance to the tribe. Additionally, the office protects archaeological sites which might contain burials and associated funerary objects, and engages in NAGPRA consultations.
What is Section 106?
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) ensures that federal agencies take preservation values into consideration when they propose a project that may affect historic properties. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) oversees the review process, during which federal agencies must consult with Tribal Historic Preservation Officers to assess the possible adverse effects of the project, as well as notify the public of their goals and the potential impacts of their project on the historic property.
What is NAGPRA?
Passed in 1990, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act requires that all federally funded institutions must return Native American cultural items—including ancestral human remains, objects of cultural patrimony, and materials or objects possessing ongoing cultural significance—to federally recognized descendants of the tribe(s) on whose land the objects were found, and/or to culturally affiliated organizations.
Contact Information
Katelyn Lucas
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
For more information about Delaware Nation and contact information for their other government offices, please visit their website: