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Guided Tours

For over 40 years, the Museum of Indian Culture has been Pennsylvania’s premier educational resource center for people of all ages to learn about the Lenape/Delaware 

and other American Indian tribes.

Guided Tours:  

September - May 

Friday through Sunday  

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


June - August 


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday through Sunday 

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Admission Fee:  

$5 per person

Children 8 and under Free;

Members Free



2825 Fish Hatchery Road,


Allentown, PA 18103

(610) 797-2121



The Museum of Indian Culture provides a unique opportunity for visitors to learn about the early history and culture of this nation’s First Peoples. When touring our Northeast Woodlands Room, imagine yourself knapping tools out of stone, making cordage from plant fiber, and calling fire using primitive tools.  


Learn about what items were commonly traded among American Indians and settlers during the Fur Trade Era. See authentic beadwork, pottery, basketry, and more, handmade by various Northeastern tribes such as the Iroquois, Passamaquoddy, and Lenape. 


The Museum's Inter-Tribal Room currently features a variety of American Indian artistry such as a Lakota Morning Star Quilt, beaded moccasins, knife sheath, Cheyenne sash, Navajo sand art and pottery, Hopi textiles and over 70 replica hand-carved Kachinas.

We also have additional rotating exhibits. Please see our Exhibits page on this site for details. 

Native American Research Library
The on-site Clair A. Carbonell Research Library is over 3,000 books strong. It is the largest solely Native American related library collection in Pennsylvania, and it includes books, pamphlets, and photography about various tribes throughout the Western hemisphere as well as information on herbals, archaeology, history, treaties, arts and crafts, and language. 
The searchable catalog is available online at: 

Brief History of the Lenape


For over 10,000 years, the First Peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands tribes lived in agricultural and hunting societies.  Men's, women's, and children’s roles were well defined. Preparation was the key to survival.   


With the arrival of early explorers, survival took on a different meaning.


The Forced March:  

Initially the Lenape of Pennsylvania had equitable dealings with William Penn. After Penn’s death, his sons concocted a plan to swindle the Lenape out of land which is now known as the infamous Walking Purchase. Times only got progressively worse for the Lenape.  In the 1730s an English bounty of 30—50 British pounds was offered for any Lenape, dead or alive. The final blow came during a Conference in 1758 in Easton, Pennsylvania when the Lenape (Delaware) were forced from their Pennsylvania and New Jersey ancestral homelands.


Eventually the Lenape were forced to settle in Oklahoma and Canada.


Today their descendants live throughout the world. In the United States the Lenape (Delaware) do not live on reservations or on Indian Territory. The only two surviving Lenape tribes in the United States officially recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C. are the Delaware Tribe of Indians (Bartlesville, Oklahoma) and Delaware Nation (Anadarko, Oklahoma).

Other recommended resources...


The official website of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) includes genealogical information and many other resources for researchers:


Also check out the websites of federally-recognized Delaware/Lenape groups:



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